Monday, 15 October 2012 14:29

Research showcased in Brazil

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Lincoln University PhD student, Richard Sim, was awarded the Agronomy Society of New Zealand International Crop Science Congress Travel Award enabling him to travel to ISCS in Brazil.

Attending the 6th International Crop Science Congress (ICSC) in Bento Gonҫalves, Brazil, Sim presented his research on 'Growth, development and water extraction of Lucerne crops grown under different managements'.

The aim of Sim's research is to further the understanding of the physiology of lucerne growth, particularly how it uses water under different conditions, ultimately informing how dryland lucerne best management practices can be refined for farmers.

The significance of this research is that optimal management of lucerne allows on-farm productivity to be achieved with reduced environmental impacts through increased efficiency of water use and reductions in soil erosion in vulnerable east coast environments.

"I am extremely grateful to the Agronomy Society of New Zealand for selecting me for the award as without their support the trip would not have been possible" says Sim. "The Congress is a global event and I was exposed to crop science research being conducted all over the world.

"It was also reassuring to see that crop physiology research being conducted by Lincoln University is as good as anywhere in the world and that it is very relevant, particularly when it comes to understanding crop water use and drought management."

Sim's research is being supervised by Professor Derrick Moot and Professor Bruce McKenzie, from Lincoln University, and Plant and Food scientists, Dr Hamish Brown and Dr Edmar Teixeira. His research has involved intensive experiments from 2010 to 2012, both on Lincoln University's campus and at the University's dryland research farm, Ashley Dene.

"This was a wonderful opportunity for Richard to present his research to an international audience and I thank the Agronomy Society of New Zealand for allowing these unique opportunities for students" says Lincoln University's Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Professor Bruce McKenzie.

"Lincoln University prides itself on providing postgraduate students the best possible education, opportunities and collaboration with industry. Sim's research has real-world application, he is working with industry to ensure relevance and has now travelled to Brazil to showcase his research and build links to an extensive international scientific network."

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