Tuesday, 10 September 2024 15:55

'If it seems weird, report it' - Police

Written by  Staff Reporters
Detective Senior Sergeant Gregory Baird, area manager investigation, is urging people to help Police by reporting suspicious behaviour. Detective Senior Sergeant Gregory Baird, area manager investigation, is urging people to help Police by reporting suspicious behaviour.

Southern District Police are investigating a number of thefts, with tools and ATVs among the items stolen across a wide area, from the outskirts of Invercargill to as far out as Hedgehope.

Detective Senior Sergeant Gregory Baird, area manager investigation, is urging people to help Police by reporting suspicious behaviour.

“We’re asking rural communities, no matter where you are, to keep an eye out,” says Baird. “If something seems weird, tell us.”

He says suspicious or illegal activity should be reported by calling 111 immediately if it’s happening now, or on 105 if it’s after the fact.

“When you make a report, we’re able to see where crime is happening, and where our attention needs to be,” Baird says.

“Don’t wait, don’t assume it’s ‘probably nothing’ – trust your instincts,” he says.

Rural crime is typically under-reported, and Baird says people need to change that.

Approximately two-thirds of rural burglaries take place at properties with little-to-no security in place, but ‘target hardening’ can be as simple as locking gates or sheds.

“Think of criminal as being lazy. They want easy targets where they can get in and out quickly. Don’t make it easy for them,” Baird concludes.

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