Wednesday, 07 August 2024 13:55

Last chance to apply for DairyNZ board

Written by  Staff Reporters
DairyNZ board chair Jim van der Poel retires from the board this year. DairyNZ board chair Jim van der Poel retires from the board this year.

With only a few days before the nominations close, Kiwi dairy farmers are being encouraged to get their nominations in for the DairyNZ Board of Director elections.

2024 sees three governance opportunities available, with two farmer-elected DairyNZ Board of Directors positions and one Directors’ Remuneration Committee member position available.

DairyNZ chair Jim van der Poel, who retires from the board this year, says joining is a unique experience, adding that he encourages farmers to consider the opportunity.

“The roles allow you to work with other passionate farmer and independent directors, to help ensure dairy farmers and our sector have a great future, while ensuring our new DairyNZ strategy gets delivered,” van der Poel says.

“As a Board we also engage with a range of stakeholders and policy makers and use our networks to connect with farmers across the country,” he says.

Two big names have already put their hats in the ring.

DairyNZ deputy chair, Jacqueline Rowarth has entered the elections, having previously said she would step down. Meanwhile, Federated Farmers dairy section chair, Richard McIntyre has also announced that he will run for one of the farmer-elected seats.

DairyNZ says ideal candidates will have a strong understanding of farm systems, research, policy and advocacy, good networks, strong business and finance skills, along with governance experience.

Two farmer director positions are open.

Nominations are also open for one farmer to join the DairyNZ Directors’ Remuneration Committee, which independently considers and recommends remuneration for directors each year.

All farmers paying a levy on milksolids to DairyNZ are eligible to stand for the Board of Directors and the Remuneration Committee.

Candidates must be nominated by two DairyNZ levy payers.

Candidate nominations for all three positions must be received by the Returning Officer by midday on Friday, August 9 2024.

If an election is confirmed, farmer voting will take place during September and October, with the successful candidates announced at DairyNZ’s annual general meeting on October 22 in Canterbury.

To get a candidate booklet, visit or contact on 0800 666 935 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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