Dairy awards
OPINION: Results of regional New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards (NZDIA) are trickling in but there's a worrying trend emerging.
OPINION: It seems that the work rate of some parliamentarians is well below par.
They only have to be at parliament three days a week, but many see attendance at their paid job as optional.
Effectively kicked out of his ministerial role, Andrew Bayly headed off to Nepal at a time when he should have been at work.
Carmel Sepuloni went on a reality TV show. Yes, we know that parliament is just another reality show, but that's the job!
And Debbie Ngarewa-Packer shot through for a wedding anniversary celebration and a protest march in the Cooks.
Come on Speaker Brownless, isn't it time to dock the pay of any MP who misses a day in the house for blatant personal reasons?
It's called leave without pay - the same rules as the rest of us.
On the edge of the hot, dry Takapau plains, Norm and Del Atkins have cultivated a small but exceptional herd of 60 Holstein Friesian cows within their mixed breed herd of 360 dairy cows.
The DairyNZ board and management are currently trying to determine whether, and to what degree, their farmer levy payers will support any increase in their levy contributions.
Milk production is up nationally, despite drought conditions beginning to bite in some districts, according to the latest update from Fonterra.
Dry conditions are widespread but worse in some places, with rain and drought affecting farms just a few kilometres away.
The Government's plan to merge the seven crown institutes presents exciting possibilities for plant technology company Grasslanz Technology, says chief executive Megan Skiffington.
Agribusiness leader Rob Hewett is the new chair of listed carpet maker Bremworth.
OPINION: Results of regional New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards (NZDIA) are trickling in but there's a worrying trend emerging.
OPINION: It seems that the work rate of some parliamentarians is well below par.