Fam technology company Tru-Test says dairy farmers can protect their income by having the right milk cooling systems.
“Efficiently cool milk before it enters the vat using reliable and cost-effective systems to chill milk quickly,” it says.
It sells plate coolers, water chillers, ice and glycol systems configured to farm needs
Changes occur during any milking season to herd size, flow rates and water temperatures at source, Tru-Test says.
“You need certainty that your milk will be down to temperature before the tanker comes to collect it.
“Pre-cooling the milk before it reaches the vat is often the best way to confidently achieve low milk temperatures.”
When assessing the best method of cooling onfarm, a number of factors come into play: site constraints, power reliability, herd size, water availability and variable costs.
Selecting the right pre-cooling system for the farm can help reduce energy costs by reducing peak power loads and shed operating costs.
Tru-Test provides an end-to-end service including expert advice, components, installation and ongoing support.
“Before recommending upgrades we come to your farm to log its current system performance so you know what you need to do to comply with current and incoming regulations.”
The Tru-Test ProCool range of pre-cooling gear can be configured to meet specific needs.
ProCool Water is a complete, all-in-one pre-cooling water chiller system. It includes a plug-in chiller unit with the option of a pre-plumbed water holding tank; the mix-and-match system can be configured to meet a farm’s specific needs.
Heat recovery can be added to the water chiller to efficiently heat dairy shed water.
ProCool Glycol provides on-demand snap chilling. It uses a mixture of food grade glycol and water to create the chilled fluid on demand at milking time. With a correctly sized refrigeration unit, the system can chill milk to 4°C before it enters the vat.
The compact glycol solution is ideal for farms with high water temperatures and a good supply of power during milking.
ProCool Ice can be the solution when space and power are limited onfarm.
This works by building a mass of ice between milkings.
During milking water is circulated through the ice,reducing the water temperature to near 0 degrees C. The chilled water is passed through a double bank plate cooler to cool milk to about 4°C before it reaches the vat.
Warmed water generated from the milking process is returned to the ice bank and cooled again.