He says when Fertco was looking to extend its customer base into new areas, Te Awamutu-based fertiliser company TerraCare was seeking a buyer.
He says the purchase seemed like the obvious solution for both companies.
Fertco completed the purchase of TerraCare from the Macky family on February 8.
"We're very excited to be welcoming a new era for both companies," says Voyce.
He says both companies share similar philosophies in regard to looking after clients and the environment.
Fertco aims to add TerraCare's branded products to its range. He says the purchase is akin to an amalgamation of the two companies, rather than one being taken over by the other.
"We're aiming to learn from TerraCare's IP so we can improve the offerings for both sets of customers."
He says TerraCare's clients will still be able to get customised fertiliser recommendations based on soil and herbage tests, as this has always been the Fertco way too.
They will still be able to purchase the same types of products that minimise environmental impacts, such as Di-calcic Phosphate and controlled release nitrogen products.
Fertco, a Bay of Plenty company based near the Port of Tauranga, currently services the BoP, Waikato, and King Country regions, while TerraCare, with its Te Awamutu factory, has a customer base in the Waikato, King Country, Manawatu, and lower North Island.
TerraCare's field representatives have joined Fertco.
Voyce says customers will still be dealing with the same field representatives.
"What will be different, and part of the new era though, are the nutrient budgeting and compliance services that Fertco intends to offer all of its customers.
"Our team are very pleased to offer Fertco's products and services to a greater audience of farmers and growers.
“We have long been asked to have a distribution option in the Waikato and we know this move will improve our service to current customers and encourages others to enquire as to how Fertco can help farmers have a better fertiliser experience.”