Decarbonising Wine: Wineries seek 'clean and clever' energy solutions
New Zealand’s wine industry is just 26 vintages away from 2050, when it’s pledged to be carbon neutral.
Innovations by Corkill Systems, Opunake, have saved millions of dollars in electricity costs for dairy farmers who use their products, the company says.
Also, the firm’s lobe pumps reduce cooling costs and give “spectacular” increases in yields by reducing damage to milk solids, says principal Steve Corkill.
He says EECA trials have shown that his company’s Vari-Vac has yielded average electricity savings of 52% by 20 farmers in different locations. One is said to have achieved 73% savings.
Corkill System’s electronic variable speed milk pump controller has separate milking and washing programs, and fits all milk pumps, receiving cans and plant types. It reduces damage to milk while only pumping when milk flow is at a certain level.
The firm’s range of vacuum pumps (pump, electric motor, interceptor and oiling mechanism) comes in capacities to suit any herd size.
Its CSL positive displacement (lobe) pumps are installed by dairy farmers and dairy companies, Steve Corkill says. Lobe pumps cause only “minimal” damage to milk compared with other types of milk pumps and contribute to greater milk yield.
“We make four sizes – 120, 240, 400 and 600L/min. The 600L/min unit can handle up to 80 sets of cups.” The pump’s built-in pressure control program protects plate coolers.
“Because of the minimal damage to the milk we are about to install a larger lobe pump at an organic milk transfer station where the milk, because of its nature, has to be handled delicately.”
Corkill says they have installed larger lobe pumps/controllers in several dairy plants where very large volumes have to be shifted. Factory staff report “spectacular” reduction in milk solid damage.
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