Dark ages
OPINION: Before we all let The Green Party have at it with their 'bold' emissions reduction plan, the Hound thought…
OPINION: The Hound was gobsmacked to learn that the NZ media's love affair with 'our' Jacinda took another great leap forward - or more correctly backwards - during the recent visit of Australian PM Scott Morrison.
OPINION: A mate of this old mutt's almost choked on his dog tucker when he came across the musings of former NZ First MP and newly elected Otago Feds chair Mark Patterson.
OPINION: Your canine crusader hears that not all is rosy in the world of supposed rural sector congeniality.
OPINION: Your old mate reckons Fonterra and its dairy farmer shareholders may well be all cock-a-hoop about the prospects of a near $8 payout this year and one north of $8 next year.
OPINION: The Hound hears that government department MBIE is apparently working on a 'NZ Battery Project' to try and find a solution to dry years when we don't get enough hydropower.
This old mutt suggests that if you ever wondered to understand just how crazy the nutjobs who make up animal activist group PETA are, then take a look at their latest call.
OPINION: The Hound understands that there is a fair bit of consternation and nerves among the big farming lobby groups - namely Feds, Beef+Lamb and DairyNZ - that they are 'losing the room' in terms of farmer support.
OPINION: This old mut would like to tip his hat to the Government for its move to extend pay freezes for the highly-paid walk-short brigade who infest Wellington - public servants.
OPINION: A mate of the Hound's reckons recent over-the-top coverage about Lake Hawea station owners Geoff and Justine Ross as the first 'farmers' in NZ to have their carbon footprint certified, is an insult to the sector.
OPINION: Your canine crusader had a good old giggle over the reaction to a recent survey, which found that more than 70% of men in Australia say they'd rather cut their life expectancy by up to 10 years than ditch meat.
OPINION: Before we all let The Green Party have at it with their 'bold' emissions reduction plan, the Hound thought…
OPINION: The Feds' latest banking survey shows that bankers are even less popular with farmers than they used to be,…