Dark ages
OPINION: Before we all let The Green Party have at it with their 'bold' emissions reduction plan, the Hound thought…
OPINION: Well-known professional protestor, John Minto has run off at the mouth without checking his facts.
OPINION: There was a lot of gnashing of teeth, wailing and tears (including our PM) when celebrity teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has a crack at NZ's efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
OPINION: The Hound wonders when the powers-that-be will take a serious look at how their infatuation with pleasing the UN and implementing crazy policies to mitigate (not reduce) the country's carbon footprint is doing severe damage to our economy.
OPINION: Your old mate is always sceptical about claims made by government, especially when it comes to spending our money and the value of said spending.
OPINION: Your canine crusader is shedding a tear (only crocodile) for US-owned carpet manufacturer Godfrey Hirst, which is threatening legal action under the Fair Trading Act, against its NZ rival Cavalier for "demonising" synthetic carpets.
OPINION: A mate of the Hound's was unimpressed when he recently received his voting papers for the annual meeting of rural insurer FMG.
OPINION: Your old mate notes that the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is trying to stonewall the good folk at this newspaper from coming up with the actual costs of its 'Fit for a better world' strategy.
OPINION: The Hound notes that billionaires Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are all trying to prove that they really do not have small appendages by flying to space.
OPINION: Your canine crusader reckons people should be very skeptical of video footage supplied to TV news by vested interests.
OPINION: Before we all let The Green Party have at it with their 'bold' emissions reduction plan, the Hound thought…
OPINION: The Feds' latest banking survey shows that bankers are even less popular with farmers than they used to be,…