OPINION: Your canine crusader wants to know just what drugs the politicians and bureaucrats are on in Wellington.
The reason for asking this is that team Jacinda and her half-baked bureaucrats have allowed in 564 'entertainers' to enter NZ on the basis they are essential workers. Really?
Yet they have only managed to allow in 15 - yes, 15 - overseas halal slaughtermen to service the meat export sector - the heart of our export economy.
It seems under team Jacinda, 'entertainers' are more essential than doctors, nurses, vets and other people who service the health and primary sectors.
The present system has the making of a pantomime, which would be funny if the whole issue wasn't so serious.
Maybe if Jacinda had a few friends in the meat, dairy, shearing, veterinary and ag contracting sector - rather than DJs and entertainers - things might be different!