OPINION: Henry Dimbleby, author of the UK's Food Strategy, recently told the BBC: "Meat production is about 85% of our…
OPINION: Your canine crusader - like many in the sector probably would have - raised an eyebrow when he heard the news that UK Tory Party MP Neil Parish was recently forced to resign after he "accidentally" opened an X-rated video while looking at machinery online.
OPINION: This old mutt continues to be flabbergasted by the sheer audacity and mendacious behaviour of the current inhabitants of the Beehive.
OPINION: The Hound suggests if there was any doubt that our so-called farmer industry bodies are little more than a bunch of quislings who are fully in the Government's pocket, then a recent publicity stunt will have quelled that doubt.
OPINION: This old mutt almost choked while chewing his bone when he happened upon the latest politically-correct advice that’s been given to public servants about the way that they must communicate with people to be more ‘inclusive’.
OPINION: A mate of the Hound’s recently applied for membership with Ashburton-based farm supply co-operative Ruralco.
OPINION: A recent Official Information Act (OIA) release shows that the Government paid almost $30k to an ‘advertising guru’ for key advice that shaped its disastrous $3 million Three Waters advertising campaign last year.
OPINION: The Hound wonders why so much fuss was made about the PM’s recent overseas trip to Singapore and Japan.
OPINION: A mate of the Hound's recently pointed him to a podcast called The Detail, and a recent episode covering the emergence of rural ginger group Groundswell.
OPINION: There is huge concern in rural communities around NZ about good sheep and beef farmland being bought by - mainly overseas-owned - carbon farming concerns.
OPINION: Your canine crusader reckons that the people behind the Campaign for Wool are doing God's work in promoting the natural sheep fibre as sustainable, renewable and the next best thing since sliced bread.
OPINION: Henry Dimbleby, author of the UK's Food Strategy, recently told the BBC: "Meat production is about 85% of our…
OPINION: For the last few weeks, we've witnessed a parade of complaints about New Zealand's school lunch program: 'It's arriving…