OPINION: The recent tightening of the political polls must be having a similar effect on the sphincters of the current leadership in the Beehive.
Isn't it funny that after two years of snubbing, chiding and dismissing the leaders of the Groundswell movement - who both the PM and Minister of Agricultrue have refursed to meet with - Jacinda Ardern is now suddenly willing to sit down and talk with this so-called bunch of 'racists and anti-vaxxers'!
However, this old mutt suggests Groundswell are being played as there is no chance that the Labour Government are hastily going to change their anti-farming policies after the PM sits down (mainly for the TV cameras) to have a cup of tea and scones with them.
There is more chance of Vladimir Putin admitting he's wrong and oulling out of Ukraine than Ardern, O'Connor and Parker having any change of heart over ag emissions and freshwater regulations.