O Canada
OPINION: Donald Trump's focus on Canada is causing concern for the country’s dairy farmers.
Meat exporter Silver Fern Farms Ltd has told farmer suppliers that its proposed scope 3 emissions reduction targets won’t pick on individual farms.
Farmers must follow directives from their processors on sustainability or risk losing markets for their products, says Waikato Federated Farmers executive Richard Myers.
OPINION: When Fonterra announced its Scope 3 emissions target this month, you might have thought that would please Greenpeace.
OPINION: Fonterra farmers finally know the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of their co-operative’s much hyped Scope 3 emissions target.
Farmers say Fonterra's Scope 3 emissions target, unveiled last week, is "incredibly ambitious" and will require stakeholder support to achieve.
Federated Farmers president Wayne Langford says Greenpeace has shown itself as an anti-farming lobby by criticising Fonterra’s new on-farm emissions targets.
Fonterra Co-operative Council chair John Stevenson believes the co-op’s Scope 3 emissions target is achievable.
Fonterra will shortly be introducing a Scope 3 emissions target, which will seek to reduce emissions intensity on supplying farms.
OPINION: There is unease among Fonterra’s 9000 farming families on what the looming Scope 3 emissions target may look like.
OPINION: Donald Trump's focus on Canada is causing concern for the country’s dairy farmers.
OPINION: The fact that plant-based dairy is struggling to gain a market foothold isn’t deterring new entrants.