MVM struggles
OPINION: Nearly four years after buying a 75% stake in Southland processor Mataura Valley Milk (MVM), A2 Milk is still…
Despite the drought, more farmers turned to LIC for animal health and artificial breeding services in 2012-13.
The Jersey breed was one of the foundation stones of the New Zealand dairy industry; not so today with the number and popularity of these brown cows diminishing initially in favour of the larger-framed Friesians but more latterly for crossbreds.
DairyNZ subsidiary NZ Animal Evaluation Ltd (NZAEL), has reached agreement with LIC and CRV Ambreed for a standardised presentation of parentage and daughter based estimates as well as genomic based estimates for bulls this autumn.
Use of DNA sequence technology by farmer cooperative Livestock Improvement (LIC) has led to the discovery of a recessive small calf gene - opening the door to managing small calf syndrome out of the dairy industry.
Wayne McNee is resigning as director general of the Ministry for Primary Industries to take up a new role as chief executive of the Livestock Improvement Corporation LIC.
SCIENTISTS FROM DairyNZ, LIC and the Australian dairy industry have been able to prove that some calves and cows are more efficient converters of feed than others.
UNIVERSITY OF Auckland geneticist Professor Russell Snell has been appointed director of the Joint Graduate School for Dairy being opened at the university this year.
A FREE scheme to help dairy farmers lift the reproductive performance of their herds and get more cows in-calf within the first six weeks of mating is being launched this month.
OPINION: Nearly four years after buying a 75% stake in Southland processor Mataura Valley Milk (MVM), A2 Milk is still…
OPINION: Fonterra isn't backing down in its fight with Greenpeace over the labelling of its iconic Anchor Butter.