Displaying items by tag: Fonterra
Fonterra drops Oz milk price, offers support loan
Fonterra has revised its Australia farmgate milk price; from A$5.60/kgMS to A$5.00/kgMS for the current season.
Fonterra’s performance under blowtorch
Alliance faces farmer backlash
The country's biggest meat processor is facing farmer backlash over harsh payment terms imposed on its goods and service providers.
Governance review closer to fruition
Fonterra directors have completed a second round of meeting with shareholders on proposed changes to its leadership structure.
Market potential for healthy bugs
The global market for probiotics is an estimated $54 billion per annum, says Dr James Dekker, Fonterra's senior research scientist probiotics.
Sweet spot for premium milk powder
Fonterra celebrates China dairy alliance
New services on GlobalDairyTrade
Farmers OK with co-op leadership changes
Fonterra director Michael Spaans says overall there is good support for changes proposed for its leadership structure.
Hooray for ‘Hen’ry
A mate of the Hound reckons those who think dairy is tough going these days should spare a thought for former Fonterra chair Sir Henry van der Heyden.