Displaying items by tag: Fonterra
GDT down 2.9% against expectations
Filling billions of burgers worldwide
The first slices of cheese have rolled off the new slice on slice line at Fonterra Eltham, in Taranaki.
Supply v demand
Fonterra chief executive Theo Spierings says dairy exports and imports have been imbalanced for the past 18 months.
Help on the way?
Struggling Fonterra farmers must wait until March 23 to find out what more support they will get from the co-op.
Efficiencies will drive more cash to farmers, say Fonterra
As a cooperative, Fonterra has a responsibility to its farmers to operate as efficiently as possible across every facet of its business, including vendor pricing and terms, says a spokesman.
Fonterra manager resigns
Maury Leyland, Fonterra's managing director of people, culture and safety, and member of Fonterra's Management Team has resigned for personal reasons.
Bulk, boutique go together
Fonterra Australia commercial director Abhy Maharaj recently addressed the Australian Dairy Conference in Victoria. Here are excerpts from his speech.
Fonterra not a good example
Rural Contractors NZ (RCNZ) is concerned about Fonterra's moves to extend the time it takes to pay contractors as part of an efficiency drive.
Strong governance critical to success
Leadership through strong governance is critical for farmers, and the sector more broadly, if the dairy industry is to seize the opportunities of the decades ahead.