Displaying items by tag: Fonterra

Friday, 15 April 2016 12:55

Dairy women urged to step up leadership

In tough times people need to look to leaders, says Jo Finer, Fonterra's general manager of New Zealand industry affairs.

Published in Agribusiness
Thursday, 14 April 2016 19:27

‘Let’s unclog the Red Band channels’

Federated Farmers Dairy chairman Andrew Hoggard questions whether Fonterra is truly representing NZ values and culture.

Published in General News
Sunday, 10 April 2016 18:59


The Hound notes that Fonterra’s head of people, culture and safety, Maury Leyland, left the co-op at the end of the month, citing personal reasons.

Published in The Hound
Sunday, 10 April 2016 18:44

Farmer friendly?

Your old mate was flabbergasted at the sheer political gall of Labour and the Greens in their latter-day ‘concern for farmers’ in the wake of the recent drop in dairy payout.

Published in The Hound
Wednesday, 06 April 2016 11:14

GDT goes the right way

Dairy prices lifted 2.1% at Fonterra's GlobalDairyTrade auction last night.

Published in General News
Tuesday, 05 April 2016 10:55

More milk poured into higher value products

Fonterra has shifted one billion litres of milk into its high returning consumer and foods business over the past 18 months, chief executive Theo Spierings claims.

Published in General News
Tuesday, 05 April 2016 08:55

Messages confusing

Conflicting messages from Fonterra and market analysts is causing grief to dairy farmers.

Published in General News
Friday, 01 April 2016 19:01

Quietly quietly to Viaduct

Fonterra staff moved without fanfare into its new head office on the edge of Auckland's glitzy Viaduct area.

Published in Milking It
Friday, 01 April 2016 16:00

No place for bullies — Editorial

Fonterra and its farmer shareholders did not need this.

Published in Opinion
Thursday, 31 March 2016 06:55

International speakers at shareholder seminars

Two internationally renowned presenters will provide Fonterra farmers with their expert views at upcoming Shareholders' Council 'Grow Your Mind Seminars' (GYMS).

Published in General News
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