Displaying items by tag: DairyNZ
Maize can make the difference
Attracting good staff: what sets you apart?
We all know how hard it can be to attract quality staff, and how great it is when you find someone that works hard, knows their stuff and has the right attitude.
Cloud over fodder beet long-term
Farm veterinarians are struggling with the emerging health effects of long-term fodder beet use on dairy farms, says DairyNZ senior scientist Dawn Dalley.
Greenhouse gas course a hit with advisors
Mad mother nature
‘Bizarre’ is how DairyNZ’s general manager for extension, Andrew Reid, describes the current season with its weird mixture of floods and droughts in regions that normally don’t get these conditions.
Pay your workers right or pay for it
Notable cases of employment breaches by large companies have cropped up recently, some appearing to be unintended short-changing of employees.
Growing NZ pride in dairy
It's an exciting time in the dairy sector. There is so much change happening: we have a new strategy, ‘Dairy Tomorrow’, and changes to the DairyNZ board, to name a few.
‘Variable’ is the only constant
A weather snapshot across the country shows ‘variable’ as the only word to describe weather and pasture conditions, says Andrew Reid, DairyNZ general manager extension.
Support each other in tough times
DairyNZ says it’s been a tough time for farmers and for some there are signs that it’s beginning to take a toll on their wellbeing.
Open farming M. bovis spread
DairyNZ biosecurity manager Chris Morley, a vet with long experience with Mycoplasma bovis in Canada and his native UK, says NZ is unusual in its “open” farming systems.