Displaying items by tag: DairyNZ
DairyNZ welcomes Interim Climate Change Committee
DairyNZ chief executive Tim Mackle has welcomed the announcement of the members of the Interim Climate Change Committee.
New welfare rules arrive
DairyNZ has endorsed a raft of new animal welfare regulations on various procedures such as castration, docking and debudding, and stock transport.
Industry support for M. bovis cull
M. bovis cull the ‘only way’ – O’Connor
‘It was the only way forward,’ says the Minister of Agriculture, Damien O’Connor, on the decision to slaughter more than 22,000 cows with M. bovis.
Time’s up for whole-herd antibiotics use
It is time to move away from whole-herd antibiotics to protect stock against mastitis at drying-off, says DairyNZ senior scientist Jane Lacy-Hulbert.
Farming systems to go – DairyNZ
Environment minister David Parker has told DairyNZ he wants action fast on water quality, says Carol Barnao, DairyNZ general manager policy and advocacy.
Attracting the best staff
Getting good staff is a big challenge faced by dairy farming businesses. But are we doing enough as employers to create environments where good people want to work?
Are you compliant with the new rules?
Chance for farmers to take leadership on climate change
Reducing onfarm emissions is a challenge facing all farmers, not just dairy. In fact, it is one of the biggest challenges facing the food producing sector worldwide.