Displaying items by tag: DairyNZ
Dairy strategy for tomorrow
DairyNZ says its new strategy Dairy Tomorrow will take New Zealand dairy into the future, as a high-performing, sustainable and responsible sector.
DairyNZ says no call by Govt for cut in cow numbers
DairyNZ chairman Jim van der Poel has clarified that Environment Minister David Parker did not call for a cut in cow numbers.
Climate Change workshops target dairy farmers
DairyNZ has announced a three-week climate change roadshow with eight workshops for dairy farmers in regional centres around New Zealand.
Keeping greenhouse gas emissions in check
DairyNZ chief executive Dr Tim Mackle says tackling dairy’s greenhouse gas emissions is a priority for the sector.
Climate change committee just needs a farmer
DairyNZ chief executive Tim Mackle supports the new Interim Climate Change Committee, however he is concerned that it has no member with actual farm knowledge.
Forum to discuss dairy’s future
A forum to discuss the direction of dairying will be held at Mystery Creek, Hamilton, on May 8 and 9.
NZ farmers world leaders in water, soil management
New Zealand dairy farmers could lead the global move to new production systems that deliver twice the food from half the water and soil, according to Australian science author Julian Cribb.
Better AB facilities raise mating results
Managing fodder beet health problems
Farm veterinarians are struggling with the emerging animal health effects of long-term fodder beet use on dairy farms, says DairyNZ senior scientist Dawn Dalley.
Farmers care about healthy soil
A new report has found we are damaging and losing our soils and our native plants and animals, but DairyNZ says farmers are working to fix the issue.