man o war
Lack of demand and animal activism are having a negative impact on NZ’s wool industry, says the Wool Research Organisation of New Zealand (WRONZ).
Published in General News
Fonterra's two new farmer-elected directors are looking forward to their new roles.
Published in General News
LDV distributor Great Lake Motors says it expects to shake up New Zealand’s ute market with its new LDV T60.
Published in Motoring
The final results of the 2017 elections for the Fonterra board of directors, directors’ remuneration committee and shareholders’ council have been announced.
Published in General News
It all started on the farm of Brad Sulzberger in Urenui, Taranaki, as he pondered his two-day collectioin and keeping the milk cool.
Published in Management
Fam technology company Tru-Test says dairy farmers can protect their income by having the right milk cooling systems.
Published in Management
As I write this article the rain is pelting down outside. A wet winter followed by a normal spring is presenting a real challenge in many regions, resulting in the disruption of the normal cultivating/planting cycle.
Published in Management
A foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreak in New Zealand is only a matter of time, says DairyNZ biosecurity readiness and response manager Chris Morley.
Published in Management
High yielding and palatable, fodder beet allows the wintering of large numbers of sheep in a small area and frees pasture elsewhere on a farm.
Published in Farm Health
We need to be tough on issues but careful with people, KPMG farm specialist, agri-food, Julia Jones told an Auckland Climate Change conference.
Published in Agribusiness
Page 641 of 1066

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