man o war
Diversity in the workplace is a catch phrase, too often an empty one when it comes to women in the wine industry.
Published in General News
AI technician Don Shaw (79) has been surrounded by dairy cows his entire life, bringing many calves into the world.
Published in Farm Health
Dairy farming was always a likely career path for Graham Barlow, of Fermanagh Farm, in the Piako district of Waikato.
Published in Management
Have you got a favourite farm memory? Then share it and the best yarn will win a farm bike worth over $5000.
Published in Machinery & Products
Once-a-day (OAD) milking farm consultant Leo Hendrikse says planning is a key element in succeeding with a conversion to OAD.
Published in Management
Reporoa farm manager Ian Fraser is using all bulls to get his cows into calf this season.
Published in Management
It wasn’t a job Warren Gibson applied for, but he admits he was honoured to be asked to take over as Chair of the Air New Zealand Wine Awards judging panel.
Published in General News
Dairy exports expanded by $1.3 billion dollars to $14.6b in the past season despite a 0.6% drop in production for the season.
Published in General News
Examining the primary sector policies of Labour, and thus our new Government, there are a few things on my wish list, some cautionary notes and some plaudits to hand out.
Published in Opinion
Now is an important time to cement infant formula brands in China, says Pier Smulders, Alibaba’s business development director for New Zealand.
Published in General News
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