man o war
Capturing Sir George Fistonich in a few pages seems a fool’s errand.
Published in Profiles
Dr Jo Burzynska’s senses must cheer loudly when she falls asleep each night, for that’s the only time they get a break from their heavy workload.
Published in Profiles
New Zealand winemakers are increasingly matching fermentation options with the potential of their grapes and “the needs of the wine they are creating”, says Fermentis Director of Sales Jo Pitt.
Published in Industry
In an industry where succession stories are an enduring tradition, the Besamusca family has tapped into intergenerational talent to offer layered and accessible data to vineyard operations.
Published in Industry
The complete electrification of horticulture, viticulture and farming is inevitable, says Mike Casey from his Central Otago cherry orchard, which runs on sunshine and sells power back to the grid.
Published in Industry
A large part of the Marlborough Research Centre’s success over the past 40 years is the communication carried out by those that worked there, a leading scientist says.
Published in Industry
Farmers are looking forward to less red tape and delay around approval processes for new agricultural and horticultural products.
Published in General News
Nestle New Zealand has scooped the Supreme Site Award at this year’s National Fieldays being held at Mystery Creek in Hamilton.
Published in General News
Product design and development consultant Blender says as part of its commitment to fostering innovation in agriculture and technology, it’s sponsoring the prototype category of the Fieldays Innovation Awards for the third year in a row.
Published in Machinery & Products
A major focus for Fieldays in recent years has involved responding to the agricultural sector’s pressing challenges of environmental sustainability, climate mitigation and food production.
Published in Management
Page 61 of 1068

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