man o war
The a2 Milk Company (a2MC) is providing $440,000 to 18 farms across Southland, Canterbury and the Waikato in the third round of its a2 Farm Sustainability Fund in New Zealand.
Published in Agribusiness
The Government’s plan to implement a National Pest Management Plan (NPMP) for Mycoplasma bovis has been well received by farmers.
Published in General News
When Dario Jerez started work as a vintage cellar hand at Indevin, he expected to stay a few months.
Published in Profiles
Odour from farm dairy effluent is increasingly an issue as herd sizes grow and urban boundaries get closer to operating farms.
Published in Management
Pat and Shelley Schnuriger’s resolve to reduce their Holstein Friesian herd to 100 cows has proven its worth, with an exceptional percow production backing up their decision.
Published in Farm Health
ACT Rural Communities spokesman and farmer Mark Cameron says rural New Zealand is no longer being ignored by Wellington.
Published in General News
The New Zealand dairy industry needs more technology managers as much as they need staff on the ground who can milk cows, says a leading Waikato dairy farming family.
Published in Management
Industry-led farm safety group Safer Farms has teamed up with its member organisations to highlight safety initiatives at the Fieldays at Mystery Creek this week.
Published in General News
DairyNZ’s online platform DairyBase, which helps farmers drive profit and identify positive changes for their farm business, is celebating its 20th  year at the Fieldays this week.
Published in General News
Building on their groundbreaking work in mastitis prevention, FIL, a subsidiary of GEA Farm Technologies New Zealand, is collaborating with Farm Medix to introduce innovative solutions to enhance milk quality, improve profitability, and combat anti-microbial resistance (AMR).
Published in Management
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