man o war
BY BETTER understanding how a cow senses what’s going on, you can reduce her stress levels and make her life easier, say the organisers of a milk harvesting workshop.
Published in Farm Health
A FREE scheme to help dairy farmers lift the reproductive performance of their herds and get more cows in-calf within the first six weeks of mating is being launched this month.
Published in Farm Health
THE MANAWATU Vintage Machinery Club Inc held its qualifying event on March 2 and an instruction/fun day on March 3, in a recently harvested wheat stubble paddock on the property owned by Adrian Noaro on Tane Rd, Opiki, Manawatu.
Published in Machinery & Products
A SILAGE block cutter is helping a South Island farmer keep his silage stack fresher and has eliminated wastage, says machine importer Webbline.
Published in Machinery & Products
NEW HOLLAND has won six awards from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) for the fifty most innovative product ideas to go on sale in 2012. These recognise innovation, engineering advancement and impact on the market.
Published in Machinery & Products
HAWKE’S BAY is empty of stock says Bruce Wills, a local and the national president of Federated Farmers.
Published in General News
AUSTRALIA’S LARGEST dairy processor says farmers must stop blaming the supermarkets for poor farmgate returns.
Published in World News
GLOBAL GROWTH opportunities for New Zealand agriculture will continue, says ASB’s general manager rural Mark Heer.
Published in General News
RAVENSDOWN’S NEW chief executive Greg Campbell says he’s looking forward to refreshing the farmer-owned cooperative’s strategy.
Published in General News
THE CHIEF organiser of the 8th International Sheep Veterinarian Congress, held in Rotorua last month, says he has had nothing but positive comment about the four-day conference.
Published in General News
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