Despite the disruption of the Covid-19 pandemic, revenue from New Zealand's primary exports in the past season only dropped by 1% and is predicted to quickly pick up and reach a record high of $49.6 billion in the next 12 months.
Published in General News
In a somewhat ironic twist, the global Covid pandemic is helping to drive demand for New Zealand kiwifruit.
Published in General News
Rabobank has joined the group of milk processors and banks forecasting a milk price of $8-plus for the new season.
Published in General News
Revenue from primary exports is predicted to reach a record high of $49.6 billion in the next 12 months - all being equal.
Published in General News
OPINION: Your old mate reckons Fonterra and its dairy farmer shareholders may well be all cock-a-hoop about the prospects of a near $8 payout this year and one north of $8 next year.
Published in The Hound
Dairy Global dairy spot markets, for the most part, have been stuck in neutral through May.
Published in Agribusiness
New Zealand red meat exports remained steady in April with a total of $863 million worth of meat and co-products exported to global markets.
Published in Agribusiness
Fonterra's small group of organic farmers are facing a drop in milk price after a record $10.26/kgMS payout last year.
Published in General News
Global food prices rose at their fastest monthly rate in more than a decade in May, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has reported.
Published in World News
New Zealand's strong wool sector is in the doldrums, with record low prices and little hope on the horizon.
Published in General News
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