Dairy industry darling Synlait has hit troubled waters lately and its latest captain is baling out.
Published in General News
Concerns about the threat posed to New Zealand's trading reputation by live animal exports from this country have led to a move to shut down the trade.
Published in General News
Government moves to end New Zealand's live export trade will shut down a $500 million-a-year business - as well as diminish farmers' selling options and profitability.
Published in General News
OPINION: Eleven cows from Auckland's Cornwall Park will no longer be exported to Mongolia to participate in a breeding programme.
Published in Milking It
OPINION: The non-performing China Farms have always been a source of headaches for Fonterra.
Published in Milking It
After years of losses, Fonterra's two wholly owned China farming hubs in Ying and Yutian have been sold.
Published in General News
Dairy prices at last week's Global Dairy Trade auction remained largely unchanged but the news remains positive for New Zealand dairy farmers.
Published in General News
OPINION: The lucky country is New Zealand.
Published in Opinion
OPINION: This old mutt reckons Agriculture Minister Damien O'Connor too often suffers from 'foot in mouth' disease.
Published in The Hound
Rabobank reports that the future global outlook is clearer and more hopeful than it has been for months.
Published in General News
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