Tuesday, 18 June 2024 14:12

Special cases

Written by  The Hound

OPINION: The old saying ‘Everyone wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die’ seems to apply to the wailing coming from public service entities facing cuts under the new Government’s belt tightening.

Having enjoyed massive growth within their little empires over the previous six years, ministerial bosses are working hard to avoid any cutbacks, arguing that, while savings are important, they’re so special that they should be exempt.

The Hound notes, for example, the PSA claims a 30% cull at the Ministry for Environment will ‘jeopardise work on combating climate change’.

Unless the MfE staffers being cut were on the cusp of convincing China and India to stop burning coal, it seems unlikely their absence will affect global change one iota.

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The Hound

Thanks Chuck!

OPINION: After six years of being passed over for every Arts luvvie in the Queen’s Birthday Honours, agriculture has finally…

Not biased

OPINION: Reactions to Budgets are always predictable, following well-worn tracks laid down by political tribalism and ideology.

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