Wednesday, 28 August 2024 10:55

Punching above its weight

Written by  Staff Reporters
Federated Farmers arable chair David Birkett. Federated Farmers arable chair David Birkett.

Federated Farmers arable chair David Birkett said he was hugely impressed by the calibre and commitment of this year's winners of the Arable Awards in seven categories.

"Arable is a sector that tends to fly under the radar a bit in New Zealand, but it punches above its weight.

"Our growers are pivotal to domestic food staples, seed export markets and supplying the grass seed and animal grain that the bigger dairy, meat and wool sectors rely on."

Another highlight of the evening saw Mid-Canterbury farmer Syd Worsfold inducted into the newly formed NZ Arable Hall of Fame.

A 40-year veteran of the industry, Worsfold holds the record as the longest-serving United Wheat Growers director and was an inaugural member of the FAR board. Worsfold was hailed as a willing supporter and mentor for any grower who needed help or advice.

Waikato farmer Daniel Finlayson took out the Positive Environmental Impact Award.

Innovation Award winner Dr Soonie Chng, of the NZ Institute for Plant and Food Research, is dedicated to understanding arable crop diseases and finding solutions for growers, such as sustainable management of ramularia leaf spots in barley crops.

The Canterbury-based Liquid Injection Arable Growth Group, a group of 10 farmers who have accelerated their production progress through farm trials and sharing knowledge, took home the Working Together Award.

Agronomist of the Yead David Weith is a 30-year industry veteran from Timaru. He shared knowledge to help achieve two world wheat yield record.

Judges were very impressed by the way Cereal Grower of the Year Peter Hewson manages his water loss on low dryland cropping in Timaru, thanks to good tilling practices, drilling dates and careful planning.

The Seed Grower of the Year is Scott Rome, who farms near Gore with his parents Steve and Helen.

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