The search for her replacement is underway and IrrigationNZ has advertised the vacancy. It says the CEO will build and maintain strong, mutually beneficial relationships with members, stakeholders and government, and actively seek opportunities to collaborate with other aligned sector organisations to deliver the best outcomes for the irrigation sector in New Zealand.
IrrigationNZ represents over 4500 members nationally, including irrigation schemes, individual irrigators, and the irrigation service sector.
"Our irrigator members include a wide range of farmers and growers: sheep and beef, dairy and cropping farmers, horticulturalists, winegrowers, as well as sports and recreational facilities and councils," it says.
"We also represent over 120 irrigation service industry members - manufacturers, distributors, irrigation design and install companies, and irrigation decision support services for both freshwater and effluent irrigation. We are a voluntary-membership, not-for-profit organisation whose vision is water to nourish our community, environment, and economy."