Trade barriers costing hort exporters $135m
Non-tariff trade measures (NTM) remain a problem for NZ exporters, according to Horticulture Export Authority (HEA) chief executive Simon Hegarty.
Fruit exporters helped boost wholesale trade sales in the June 2016 quarter, Statistics NZ says.
"Kiwifruit export values were at an all-time high in the months of May and June," business indicators senior manager Neil Kelly says. "It was also a good quarter for apple exporters."
When adjusted for seasonal effects, total wholesale trade sales rose 1.7% ($397 million) after small falls in the previous two quarters.
The largest industry increase was in grocery, liquor and tobacco wholesaling, which was up 2% ($152 million). Fruit exporters come under this category. The trend for this industry has been increasing steadily since mid-2013.
The trend for wholesale trade sales has generally been rising since the September 2009 quarter.
The actual value of wholesale trade sales was $23.6 billion in the June 2016 quarter, up $914 million (4%) from the June 2015 quarter.
The first phase of a Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) investigation into allegations of mistreatment of sheep connected to shearing practices has been completed.
According to Biosecurity New Zealand, legal controls on the movement of fruit and vegetables in the South Auckland suburb of Papatoetoe will remain in place until mid-February.
The rollout of the New Zealand Genetic Evaluation Version 6 is said to mark a step-change in the depth and breadth of genetic information available to both stud and commercial sheep breeders.
With low wool prices, farmer interest in the self-shedding Wiltshire sheep continues to grow.
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