Friday, 29 June 2012 09:35

Feds group chairs re-elected

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Federated Farmers has re-elected the heads of its dairy and meat and fibre groups for another term.

Jeanette Maxwell (Meat & Fibre) and Willy Leferink (Dairy) were re-elected at the Feds' annual conference in Auckland. Both industry groups have also elected their new executives for 2012-13.

"I am honoured to be given a second year to take our Fonterra members beyond TAF. I want to ensure independents and those who supply Tatua, Synlait, Westland and Open Country Cheese are properly represented," says Leferink.

He says the dairy council appreciates the hard work invested by retiring members, especially vice-chair Robin Barkla and Kevin Robinson.

"The Dairy Council will express this separately, but our best wishes are with Michelle Riley for a full recovery."

New executive member Derek Gibson can share his positive experiences with Taranaki Regional Council while Gray Beagley offers an organic dairy farming perspective, he says.

"We have an excellent team I look forward to working with."

Leferink concluded.

Maxwell says her first year was spent listening and talking. But she plans to get meat & fibre moving this year.

"I'd like to thank my retiring executive members, my vice-chair Dugald McLean and Will Foley for their sage and accurate advice.

"I look forward to getting the input of new executive members, Richard Strowger and Rick Powdrell, on what I know will be our sector's renaissance, says Maxwell.

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