Thursday, 07 April 2022 14:55

Clean-up taskforce activated in flooded regions

Written by  Staff Reporters
Enhanced Taskforce Green has been activated in response to recent flooding in the Tairāwhiti and Wairoa regions. Enhanced Taskforce Green has been activated in response to recent flooding in the Tairāwhiti and Wairoa regions.

The Government has activated Enhanced Taskforce Green (EFTG) in response to flooding in the Tairāwhiti and Wairoa regions.

“Up to $500,000 will be made available to help with the clean-up,” Minister for Social Development and Employment, Carmel Sepuloni says.

“The recent flooding has been a significant and adverse event damaging farms, homes, roads and bridges. Part of the Government’s response to supporting the recovery is making funding available so that local councils or other authorised agencies can hire job seekers to help.

“This funding will mean job seekers can be employed to help farmers clear debris and complete clean-up work on their properties,” Sepuloni says.

Local job seekers will be used wherever possible.

Minister for Emergency Management and MP for East Coast Kiri Allan says the Enhanced Task Force Green funding will complement the Government’s $175k Mayoral Relief Fund contribution and a further $150,000 made available to the region's farmers and growers following the event.

“We’re committed to providing swift support to help affected communities get back on their feet after what has been a really tough series of emergencies for the East Coast.  There’s a big clean-up effort ahead of us, and I’d like to recognise the awesome mahi of everyone who has rolled up their sleeves to support the local response and recovery,” Allan says.

Damage assessments are currently being carried out. cross the Tairāwhiti and Wairoa regions. MSD will work with agencies and communities to make sure Enhanced Task Force Green assistance is provided as soon as possible to farmers and communities that need this support.

Job seekers available to help with the clean-up effort can register at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Farmers, growers and communities can self-register for clean-up help by contacting 0800 834434 TFG HELP, Tairawhiti Wairoa Rural Support – East Coast Rural Support Trust. 

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