Tuesday, 18 June 2024 11:25

106,000 visitors, 1069 exhibitors graced Fieldays

Written by  Sudesh Kissun
The 2024 National Fieldays saw 1069 exhibitors turning it on for the visitors. The 2024 National Fieldays saw 1069 exhibitors turning it on for the visitors.

The four-day National Fieldays at Mystery Creek last week attracted 106,000 visitors.

The event, dubbed the largest agricultural field days in the southern hemisphere, saw 1069 exhibitors turning it on for the visitors.

New Zealand National Fieldays Society Chief Executive Peter Nation says the event has again provided a platform for industry leaders, sector professionals, and farmers to converge as the primary sector grapples with its own challenges.

“There is no escaping the headwinds of the current economy. Businesses and individuals are doing it tough. Despite this, 1,069 exhibitors turned up and turned it on for our visitors,” says Nation.

He notes that it was evident to see exhibitors cementing their positions in their respective markets and staying front and centre in their customers' minds. 

“These proactive measures and investments underpin the unwavering dedication of our exhibitors,” says Nation. “Many who have been exhibiting for 30, 40 and 50 years”.

“It will take time to understand the true impact of the sales made from Fieldays, but overall, there is a feeling of cautious optimism that budgets have at least been met in most areas”.

Case IH network development manager, Murray Grant, noted they were very pleasantly surprised by buyer activity at Fieldays 2024.

“In a general market that is down around 25% - 30%, we came with a low expectation of high-volume sales.

“However, we were very pleased to have recorded 28% growth on last year’s sales, a testament to quality visitor engagement and the importance of Fieldays to the wider farming community”.

New features included the Fieldays VIP Business Plus Lounge which was developed to enhance the experience of business leaders on site, the opening of the Fieldays Rural Advocacy Hub and a Family Activation Zone.

International representation was strong, with increased visitation up from last year. A total of 49 businesses from nine countries exhibited, 25 delegations registered from 15 countries, and 17 embassies with delegates attended.

The focus now shifts to the 2025 event and maximising efforts to provide an optimum experience and connection between attendees and exhibitors. 

"While the metric of quantity through the gates is important, the true measure lies in attracting the right individuals who represent the entire food and fibre value chain. Something we continue to work towards year on year," says Taryn Storey, head of customer and strategic engagement.

"We need to provide excitement and learning opportunities for our recreational visitors and families to take time off-farm, celebrate and connect with their advisors and supporters. In this respect, the Rural Advocacy Hub is likely to grow in importance as a destination for our visitors to seek support and advice in one place", says Storey.

In a climate marked by increasing costs, online Fieldays ticket prices have remained the same for the past five years.

“This decision reflects our dedication to ensuring the event remains accessible, while striving to provide value without compromising the quality of our event,” says Storey.

Next year’s Fieldays will be held from Wednesday, June 11 to Saturday, June 14.

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