Friday, 13 September 2024 09:38

TB slaughter levy for dairy jumps 75c/head

Written by  Sudesh Kissun
Levies are adjusted to reflect the latest industry farm gate values and slaughter volumes for dairy and beef stock. Levies are adjusted to reflect the latest industry farm gate values and slaughter volumes for dairy and beef stock.

TB differential slaughter levy rates are changing with dairy animals paying $12.25/head, an increase of 75c from next month.

Ospri says that each year, the slaughter levy rates for beef and dairy cattle are reviewed under the TBfree Funders’ Agreement to ensure that the overall funding of the TBfree programme aligns with the agreed funding levels.

Levies are adjusted to reflect the latest industry farm gate values and slaughter volumes for dairy and beef stock.

The levy for beef animals drop by 25c to $4.50/head.

Ospri says The TB differential slaughter levy is collected to support funding of the programme on behalf of beef and dairy industries. The funding shares change annually based on shifts in the relative size and value of each industry.

“We communicate any adjustments to the differential slaughter levy to DairyNZ, Beef + Lamb New Zealand and Deer Industry New Zealand — the industry levy bodies in the TBfree Funders’ Agreement. Adjustments are made in line with the annual funding level specified.

“Adjustments in differential levy rates don’t provide an overall increase in the annual funding of the TBfree programme — but do ensure consistent funding to enable the programme to deliver.”

Ospri advises both beef and dairy farmers to keep their NAIT accounts up to date and record the correct animal type to ensure they are paying the correct TB slaughter levy.

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