What is puzzling is that Horizons seems to think that having a public spat with the Minister of Local Government, the Minister (and ministry) of Primary industries, Fed Farmers and HortNZ, is going to win the hearts and minds of the rural community.
Being told by the minister that your section 32 analysis of One Plan was “woeful” and that calling for calm was “dumb” should ring a bell. Then finally to be told you don’t understand the implications of the Environment Court decision might have caused alarm bells to ring; but, no, Horizons continues to says it is right and everyone else is wrong. That’s a quaint public relations strategy!
It seems Horizons has got itself into a right old pickle of its own making. Had the council fully and steadfastly supported its ‘decision version’ of the One Plan in the Environment Court and distanced itself from the likes of Fish and Game and DOC, this may never have happened. The council effectively had farmers’ agreement to the ‘decision version’; only Fish and Game and DOC wanted more.
If Horizons had been smart it would have warned off these dissenters and backed the others.
Now having got what is clearly an unworkable plan, the Horizons way forward seems to be a call for everyone to stay calm and trust the council – a message that clearly does not resonate with either the Government or the rural constituents.
There a lot at stake with One Plan and there always was. Unless the appeals of Feds and HortNZ are won in the High Court don’t be surprised if the Government steps in and appoints commissioners. But stay calm, don’t panic; she’ll be right mate.