Thursday, 19 September 2024 11:55

Mineral bioavailability matters

Written by  Chris Balemi
Chelated minerals can be used at lower rates to achieve higher efficiency and effectiveness. Chelated minerals can be used at lower rates to achieve higher efficiency and effectiveness.

The health and productivity of dairy cow means the difference between a successful or struggling dairy operation, and these can be significantly influenced by proper mineral supplementation.

While the necessity of minerals is widely accepted among dairy farmers, farmers do not put enough importance on the form of the mineral being supplemented and the important role this can play in achieving uptake and functionality. Understanding the differences between various mineral forms will give farmers an edge when choosing correct mineral supplements to drive animal performance.

Different forms of minerals

Minerals can be purchased in a number of forms, each with varying levels of absorption and utilisation. The two main categories are inorganic and organic (chelated).

Inorganic minerals

This category is the most commonly used and includes forms like, sulphates, oxides, chlorides, and carbonates. While cost-effective, their bioavailability is typically lower, meaning cows might not absorb them efficiently. For example, copper sulphate is widely used but not as readily absorbed or targeted as the chelated forms. This reduced absorption can mean higher doses are required to meet the cow’s nutritional needs, potentially leading to negative interaction with rumen microflora, negative interaction with other minerals, and poor translocation within the body, all leading to increased excretion (wastage).

Inorganic minerals are more susceptible to antagonistic interactions within the digestive system. For instance, the presence of high levels of iron or sulphur in the diet can interfere with the absorption of copper, reducing its efficacy even further. Therefore, while inorganic minerals are a cost-effective choice, their lower bioavailability and potential for nutrient interaction must be carefully managed.

Organic minerals

Organic minerals are bound to organic molecules, such as amino acids. This binding increases their stability and absorption compared to inorganic forms. Zinc glycinate is an example where zinc is attached to the amino acid glycine, making it more bioavailable and beneficial for cow health, reproduction, and milk production. Research indicates that organic minerals can significantly improve immune function, hoof health, and overall productivity.

The superior bioavailability and body storage of organic minerals means cows can achieve optimal health benefits with lower dosages, reducing the risk of nutrient imbalances and minimising environmental impact. Organic minerals are more efficiently translocated and stored throughout the body. They tend to store in every cell of the body rather than just specific organs, and they also tend to be more palatable to cows, encouraging consistent intake and improving the overall efficiency of the diet.

Chelated minerals

Chelated minerals are bound to chelating agents, often amino acids or peptide. These form a stable structure that improves absorption. These forms, like zinc chelate or copper chelate, are highly bioavailable, ensuring cows can utilise them effectively, even at lower doses. Chelated minerals offer better protection against potential antagonisation from other minerals in the diet, making them particularly useful in complex feed formulations.

Studies have shown chelated minerals can improve reproductive performance, enhance growth rates, and boost immune response. Their stability in the digestive tract allows for more predictable absorption and utilisation, leading to more consistent health outcomes. While chelated minerals can be more expensive, lower rates can be used to achieve higher efficiency and effectiveness.

Chris Balemi FBTW

Chris Balemi

Full Benefit of Minerals

Bioavailability refers to the proportion of a nutrient that is absorbed and utilised by the body. Mineral supplements with high bioavailability mean cows receive the full benefit of the nutrients, leading to several advantages:

  1. Effective utilisation: Highly bioavailable minerals are better absorbed, reducing the need for high dosages and minimising waste. This efficiency is important in ensuring cows get the necessary nutrients without overloading their systes or causing imbalances.
  2. Cost-effectiveness: Although minerals with high bioavailability might have a higher initial cost, their higher efficiency often results in overall cost savings. Farmers can reduce feed costs and improve herd health, leading to better productivity and profitability.
  3. Health benefits: Better absorption of minerals supports essential bodily functions. For example, adequate copper levels for enzyme function and immune response, and zinc for skin health and reproductive performance. Higher bioavailability means these minerals contribute effectively to the cow's overall health.
  4. Environmental impact: Efficient mineral absorption are excreted into the environment. This reduction in waste contributes to more sustainable farming practices.
  5. Predictable performance: Minerals with high bioavailability provide more consistent results, leading to better management of herd health and productivity. Farmers can rely on these supplements to deliver the expected benefits, supporting their ability to maintain a healthy and productive herd.

By choosing the right forms of minerals, farmers can significantly improve the health and productivity of their dairy herds.

Agvance Nutrition commonly uses highly bioavailable mineral supplements to ensure Kiwi dairy cows are receiving the best nutrition for optimal performance.

Chris Balemi is Agvance Nutrition founder and managing director.

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