
Waiting and hoping

A lot depends on what happens in the next few months. That's the view of Federated Farmers Otago president, Luke…

Start of a turnaround?

In another sign of improving agribusiness sentiment, two listed companies have lifted their forecast earnings for the year.

'Mood change' among Synlait farmers

Canterbury milk processor Synlait says some farmer suppliers have been inquiring about the process to remove their cessation notices, handed…


Synlait CEO departs

The first change in Synlait’s management team, since China’s Bright Dairy securing 65% ownership, has been announced.


Benefits of EU trade deal

The European Union Ambassador says the new free trade agreement (FTA) between the bloc and New Zealand will bring significant benefits to both parties.

World food prices dip - FAO

In December, world food prices dipped for a ninth consecutive month, according to recent data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Trans-Tasman ag ministers zoom in on biosecurity

When New Zealand’s Agriculture, Biosecurity and Rural Communities Minister Damien O’Connor met with his new Australian counterpart yesterday, the subject of biosecurity was top of their agenda.


Be an investor, not a landlord

OPINION: New Zealanders have a love affair with property investment. After securing a family home, buying a rental property is…

Visa changes bring fresh woes

Rural Contractors NZ says members are frustrated at having to work through more layers to get visas approved for skilled…


B+LNZ gets new CEO

Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) has appointed Alan Thomson as its new chief executive officer.

Rabobank cuts loan rate

Rabobank New Zealand will reduce the variable base rate on its rural loans by 0.5%, effective from 16 October 2024.


Working together, leading change

A group of Canterbury farmers who work together exploring the various uses of liquid injection systems on their seed drills was the worthy winner of the Working Together Award at the recent 2024 Arable Awards, says the group’s FAR Facilitator.

Lifelong commitment to support all things arable

As the judges' citation put it, anyone who has been involved in the arable industry for the past 40 years has surely met the man named to the industry's Hall of Fame at the recent Arable Awards, Greendale grower Syd Worsfold.

Farm Health

How to achieve successful lambing

Lambing is now well advanced around much of New Zealand, including in areas where drought-like conditions are presenting real challenges…

Machinery & Products

New F5 balers from McHale

Irish grassland machinery manufacturer McHale has unveiled the new four-model range of F5 fixed chamber balers.


RAM hits 20K!

In a market dominated by utes, Ram Trucks Australia has just put the finishing touches on its 20,000th right-hand drive…

Safari on a Trek to NZ

Exclusive to the New Zealand market and available in limited supply, the Suzuki Jimny Safari adds to an already versatile…

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The Hound

So very '90s!

OPINION: In a to the 1990s, our old mates at Greenpeace continued their crusade against affordable food by abseiling down…

Lock the gate

OPINION: Big surprise, Fish & Game find themselves at odds with farmers, once again, and at risk of costing their…

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