Dark ages
OPINION: Before we all let The Green Party have at it with their 'bold' emissions reduction plan, the Hound thought…
OPINION: Your old mate's editor was contacted by Ashburton-based farmer co-op Ruralco in relation to this old mutt's recent column about the difficulty in signing up to the organisation.
OPINION: The Hound note that part-time ag minister, part-time trade minister and full-time handbag carrier for Jacinda, Damien O'Connor, did a bit of virtue signalling during an APEC trade ministers' meeting held in Bangkok last month.
OPINION: As recently reported by your canine crusader, the Government appears to be full steam ahead with its theft reforms of the country's 3 Waters network.
OPINION: Your old mate reckons recent ‘research’ carried out by consultants PWC – claiming that ‘actively managed carbon forestry’ creates 25% more local jobs than sheep and beef farming on low productivity land – is about as accurate as a bent rifle.
OPINION: Your canine crusader - like many in the sector probably would have - raised an eyebrow when he heard the news that UK Tory Party MP Neil Parish was recently forced to resign after he "accidentally" opened an X-rated video while looking at machinery online.
OPINION: This old mutt continues to be flabbergasted by the sheer audacity and mendacious behaviour of the current inhabitants of the Beehive.
OPINION: The Hound suggests if there was any doubt that our so-called farmer industry bodies are little more than a bunch of quislings who are fully in the Government's pocket, then a recent publicity stunt will have quelled that doubt.
OPINION: This old mutt almost choked while chewing his bone when he happened upon the latest politically-correct advice that’s been given to public servants about the way that they must communicate with people to be more ‘inclusive’.
OPINION: A mate of the Hound’s recently applied for membership with Ashburton-based farm supply co-operative Ruralco.
OPINION: A recent Official Information Act (OIA) release shows that the Government paid almost $30k to an ‘advertising guru’ for key advice that shaped its disastrous $3 million Three Waters advertising campaign last year.
OPINION: Before we all let The Green Party have at it with their 'bold' emissions reduction plan, the Hound thought…
OPINION: The Feds' latest banking survey shows that bankers are even less popular with farmers than they used to be,…