OPINION: Henry Dimbleby, author of the UK's Food Strategy, recently told the BBC: "Meat production is about 85% of our…
OPINION: Your old mate had a bit of giggle at a recent article he read in the Irish Farmers Journal (IFJ), where the author was pondering on a rather smelly problem to do with veganism.
OPINION: This old mutt hopes the demise of the Labour government at last year’s election will see a return of more agriculture and rural related people recognised for honours in the New Year and King’s Birthday lists.
OPINION: Speaking of correcting misrepresentations, the canine crusader would like to pay homage to ODT agriculture editor Sally Rae for an excellent article in December that put to rights much of the unmitigated spin and bulldust about Lake Hawea Station in Central Otago.
The Hound is quick to put the boot in when someone gets things wrong, so he has to confess to his own major cock-up in the last issue of 2023.
OPINION: It never ceases to amaze your old mate how local councils can spend ratepayers’ money at an alarming rate, with little or no accountability.
OPINION: A colleague of this old mutt’s was less than impressed by the antics of a regenerative dairy farming couple’s attempts to manipulate the coverage of their farming operation.
OPINION: Your old mate understands that researchers at AgResearch are not taking the proverbial with their latest scientific revelation.
OPINION: The Hound reckons that Rob “I’ll be chair, I don’t care where”’ Hewett will be looking forward to the Christmas break more than most – despite being named chair of the year at a recent business awards ceremony.
OPINION: Your canine crusader believes the Taxpayers Union is on to a good thing with its latest campaign to get media outlets who took the previous Labour Government’s ‘bribe’ – sorry taxpayer handout – via the highly controversial and discredited Public Interest Journalism Fund (PIJF) to pay it back.
OPINION: This old mutt has a lot of time for outspoken North Otago farmer and stud breeder Jane Smith.
OPINION: Henry Dimbleby, author of the UK's Food Strategy, recently told the BBC: "Meat production is about 85% of our…
OPINION: For the last few weeks, we've witnessed a parade of complaints about New Zealand's school lunch program: 'It's arriving…