Tuesday, 21 May 2024 13:25

Food insecurity

Written by  The Hound

OPINION: Good on the UK'S NFU for battling to get supermarkets to prioritise local farmers' produce.

But your old mate reckons they might need to put the same effort into getting UK lawmakers to take their jackboots off farmers' necks.

Food security is a sore point in the UK, as a direct result of its National Food Strategy, proof positive that government meddling in farming practices is a terrible idea!

Farmers are paid incentives to take land out of production, reduce livestock numbers and plant non-food carbon-fixing crops.

The result is a massive drop in local food production in the UK, driving up to food prices, demand for imports and reducing UK food security.

If the NFU's 'Buy British' campaign proves too successful, half the UK will starve!

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The Hound


OPINION: When Groundswell showed up in the 'advocacy hub' at Fieldays alongside the same groups that brought you He Waka…

Sell it!

OPINION: With things in NZ as tight as they are, your old mate is astounded the coalition Governmnt hasn't yet…

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