Displaying items by tag: rabobank
Applications open for 2016 Farm Managers Program
The "once in a lifetime opportunity to spend a week with other like-minded farmers and world class presenters" was the impetus for farmer Blair Drysdale to apply for the Rabobank Farm Managers Program.
Farm ownership options
Strong year for all but dairy
While dairy faces another tough year, Rabobank foresees a generally strong year ahead for most other agricultural sectors.
‘Opportunistic buyers’ know prices won’t last
Opportunistic buyers taking advantage of low prices were probably behind last week's 3.6% overall rise in the GlobalDairyTrade (GDT), says Rabobank research analyst Emma Higgins.
The outlook for red meat pretty rosy
In the second of our ‘in the hot seat’ interviews we talk with Matt Costello, Rabobank animal proteins analyst.
‘Very simple’ leadership style pays off
Former Fonterra chairman Sir Henry van der Heyden has described his leadership style as essentially "very simple".
Farm succession all about communication
Less milk expected now
Most of the major banks are predicting a drop between 4% and 8% – much higher than Fonterra's current forecast of a 2-3% fall.
Dairy downturn ‘truly awful’ but the end in sight
The long-term dairy market remains strong despite the severe downturn affecting milk prices, says Rabobank.
US beef cow rebuild begins
After the drought-induced decline in the US beef cowherd in recent years, the industry is making amends and rebuilding its depleted numbers.