Displaying items by tag: rabobank
Mixed bag result at dairy auction
The stars and stripes are in our future
Recently there has been considerable media coverage of the news that New Zealand wine has become the number three imported wine into the US, with only France and Italy ahead of us.
Prices stable, even rising
The outlook for the coming dairy season is positive with prices stable and lifting slightly, several economists say.
Bank sees early breather for Kiwi farmers
New Zealand dairy farmers can look forward to a good season in 2017-18, after having enjoyed the fruits of improved commodity prices much earlier than their global counterparts.
GDT lift raises hope for payout
There's scope for a small lift this season in Fonterra’s farmgate milk price after the GDT Event price index rose 3.1% last week, says BNZ senior economist Doug Steel.
Fats flex muscle at GDT auction
The rise of fats continues to play out as the GlobalDairyTrade (GDT) auction saw its second consecutive rise last week, says Rabobank dairy analyst, Emma Higgins.
NZ farmers start year on positive note
2017 has begun on a positive note for the country’s farmers with rural confidence levels edging up, primarily driven by signs of renewed optimism among horticulturalists and sheep and beef producers.
Banks supporting drought-hit farmers
‘Endless’ agri career opportunities
Applause has replaced eye rolling as university students launch a scheme to show secondary schoolers the career opportunities in the primary industries.
‘Moment of truth’ looms
New Zealand agriculture faces a “moment of truth” in 2017, according to a report by agribusiness banking specialist Rabobank.