Displaying items by tag: Rural Support Trust

Thursday, 03 December 2015 09:44

Help available if El Nino plays out

The Rural Support Trust is getting information out early about help available in case the El Nino brings drought, says Northland Rural Support co-ordinator Julie Jonker.

Published in General News
Monday, 21 September 2015 08:00

People power

When Lyn Neeson, who farms near Taumaranui, saw the Whanganui and Ohura rivers rise rapidly in June, she figured this spelled trouble for farmers downstream and she was right. 

Published in General News
Saturday, 19 September 2015 07:00

Forgotten floods still haunt Whanganui farmers

It is three months since devastating floods hit the lower North Island. While the mess is gone from Whanganui city, and normal life has resumed, in the country it’s a far different story, writes Peter Burke.

Published in General News
Sunday, 06 September 2015 15:29

More people for Rural Support Trusts

THE 100 extra people to be trained to help farming families get support to deal with stress-related issues will mainly work through the Rural Support Trusts.

Published in General News
Monday, 29 June 2015 16:00

Unprecedented support for North Canterbury

A group of stock agents and meat processors have agreed to work with Federated Farmers and the Rural Support Trust to help farmers affected by the drought.

Published in General News
Thursday, 23 April 2015 16:27

East Coast farmers take up support offers

While farmers are “traditionally a private and self sufficient breed” it is important they seek help early when the uncontrollable bites.

Published in Agribusiness
Tuesday, 22 July 2014 10:38

Free lunch for Northland farmers

WHO SAYS there's no such thing as a free lunch - or dinner, asks the Northland Rural Support Trust.

Published in General News
Wednesday, 16 July 2014 12:31

Ravensdown gives $20k to flood relief

RAVENSDOWN WILL give $20,000 to Rural Support Trust Northland for emergency feed and the provision of counselling and advisory services.

Published in General News
Wednesday, 23 April 2014 08:42

Recovery but still fragile

RECENT RAIN IN Waikato and South Auckland has set farmers on the road to recovery from the drought but the situation remains fragile for some, a meeting of farming leaders and central and local Government officials has heard.

Published in General News

Federated Farmers and the Rural Support Trust are extending the call for volunteers to assist Canterbury High Country farms with snow-raking.

Published in General News
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