Displaying items by tag: Fonterra
Farmers shocked by Fonterra borrowing
Farmers are flabbergasted to learn that Fonterra borrowed money to pay dividends over the last few years.
Tatua pays $8.50/kgMS for last season’s milk
Waikato milk processor Tatua has announced a final payout of $8.50/kgMS for last season, beating all other processors including Fonterra.
Management revamp at Fonterra
Fonterra chief executive Miles Hurrell is introducing a new “customer led operating model” as part of the co-op’s new strategy.
Simple is best for Fonterra
Fonterra chairman John Monaghan says the co-op's new strategy sounds simple, but the best strategies often are.
New Fonterra strategy starts from home
Good re-set in return to basics
Fonterra's new strategy of going ‘back to basics’ should be well received by farmers, says Federated Farmers dairy vice chairman Wayne Langford.
Opposition to NAIT data grab
The Government's proposal to take ownership of all animal traceability core data is being rejected by key primary sector organisations, including Fonterra.