Displaying items by tag: Fonterra
Independence necessary — Editorial
OPINION: News that a group of Fonterra farmers want an independent review of the Fonterra shareholders council may well be the beginning of the end of its ‘lapdog’ reputation.
Fonterra lifts milk price
Good news for Fonterra farmers – the co-op is increasing its 2019-20 forecast farmgate milk price by 30c/kgMS.
Watchdog or lapdog?
More Fonterra farmers are joining the call for an independent review of the co-op’s shareholders council.
Lack of interest
The final list of candidates for Fonterra’s board election is out. Surprisingly only one candidate came through the farmer nominated process.
Watchdog or lapdog?
At last we see Fonterra shareholders asking questions about its supposed watchdog, the shareholders council.
Farmers applaud Whineray ‘coup’
Farmers are happy with the appointment of Fraser Whineray to Fonterra’s newly created role of chief operating officer.
Vital animal protein missing from global food discussions
The needs for animal protein in discussions on future nutritious and sustainable food systems seems to be missing from much of the rhetoric, says Jeremy Hill, Fonterra’s chief scientist and technology officer.
Shareholders Council ‘asleep at the wheel’
A group of Fonterra farmers want an independent review of the Fonterra shareholders council following the co-op’s financial debacle.
Fonterra must win back trust
A candidate for the upcoming Fonterra board election says the co-op needs to get farmers back on board and regain their trust.