Displaying items by tag: Fonterra
Last season’s final milk payout ‘disappointing’
Strong focus cash and costs drive profits up
Fonterra chief executive, Theo Spierings, says improved second half results in the 2015 financial year were driven by a strong focus on cash and costs.
Less milk for Fonterra this year
Fonterra raises payout to $5/kgMS
Fonterra has lifted its 2015-16 forecast payout by 75 cents to $5.00 to $5.10/kgMS.
The farmgate milk price increases to $4.60 and the dividend payment remains at 40 to 50c/share.
Banks forecasting big production drop
Time to accept all the offered help
Many dairy farmers are discussing the virtues of Fonterra’s loan for sharemilkers, and the consensus seems to be to see it as a last resort.
Powder plant triples yield
Fonterra says its $231 million upgrade to its dairy processing plant at Pahiatua in the Tararua district will give the company more flexibility in the products it can produce at other plants.
Too busy to notice
$5 payout back on the radar
Farmgate milk price forecasts by at least two banks, ASB and BNZ, have now been hiked upwards to $5/kgMS for the 2015-16 season.