man o war
From freshly elected city, town and country leaders, words and phrases such as ‘rebuilding trust’ and ‘increased involvement of the community’ have been heard sounding -- again.
Published in Opinion
Land and water remain the key constraints to growth in horticultural production, HortNZ has told the Productivity Commission.
Published in General News
Silver Fern Farms (SFF) chairman Rob Hewett has dismissed claims that the newly merged meat company is about to start a bidding war for new season lambs.
Published in General News
You wonder how the marketing people in the motor industry come up with new model names.
Published in Motoring
Origin Green, a scheme that verifies the sustainability of Ireland’s food and drink production, now has 100% of the country’s dairy farmers and 90% of beef farmers signed up to its extensive auditing.
Published in World News
Many tractor manufacturers are talking about autonomous operation, most going about it by modifying existing products.
Published in Machinery & Products
Getting the best bang for buck out of fertiliser – while protecting economic and environmental bottom lines – is a key balancing act for farmers.
Published in Management
Canterbury's water quality looks set to continue dominating the Canterbury Regional Council’s deliberations.
Published in General News
The environmental benefits of Canterbury’s Central Plains Water irrigation scheme are already evident as the scheme progresses into stage two, says chief executive Derek Crombie.
Published in General News
New research by the University of Auckland shows that 12% more kiwi kids are meeting recommended daily dairy consumption guidelines.
Published in General News
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