man o war
Irrigation for horticulture has traditionally been used to supplement natural rainfall to ensure adequate growth and productivity from their crops.
Published in Management
At the recent launch of the New Holland T7 HD Series in Europe, the company spoke of their commitment to ‘Agriculture 4.0’ – a term that is been creeping into the world of agricultural technology for the last couple of years.
Published in Machinery & Products
Amazone's recently released WindControl System automatically monitors and adjusts the spreading pattern to compensate for the effect of the wind on the company’s top-of-theline ZA-TS mounted and ZG-TS trailed twin disc centrifugal spreaders.
Published in Machinery & Products
A feed additive that reduces methane emissions in ruminants is poised for commercial launch in Australia - making it one of the first global markets to access the product.
Published in Farm Health
"There's no hanging round with this group," says Red Meat Profit Partnership Action Group facilitator Rob Macnab. "They know what they want to do and out role is to help make that happen."
Published in Management
OPINION: In his recent open letter, David Lloyd asked for our help in clarifying the impact of methane in global warming (Will you help, Andrew?, Rural News, 24th August 2021).
Published in Opinion
OPINION: Reading comments from yesteryear can at times be rather amusing.
Published in Opinion
OPINION: "The carbon market is based on the lack of delivery of an invisible substance to no one."
Published in Opinion
OPINION: As the country endures yet another lockdown in the battle against Covid, a nasty undercurrent appears to be rearing its head.
Published in Opinion
Federated Farmers is urging the Government not to try and push through radical reforms of the Resource Management Act (RMA) during the current pandemic.
Published in Agribusiness
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