man o war
ALL THE milk the Tait-Jamiesons produce from their 150 cows is processed by them on their farm into organic yoghurt and milk, and sold to supermarkets around the country. 
Published in Agribusiness
SIMPLE RULES and precision pasture management make David Lister's 147ha dairy farm near Temuka one of the most profitable in the country, and he's got the award to prove it.
Published in Management
FARMERS AROUND the country are making great strides improving the quality of their dairy effluent ponds as they balance the demands of farms and growth. Now the message this summer is, empty your storage ponds when you can.
Published in Management
SPRAYING PASTURE with a fungicide that kills fungus and inhibits FE spore production is the only direct means to manage spore numbers during risk periods. Fungicidal sprays provide a secondary benefit by controlling rust on ryegrass and also give opportunity to apply broad-leaf herbicides to improve pasture quality.
Published in Farm Health
When funding was pulled from wild animal control in the late 1970s, many of New Zealand's cattle and deer herds fell foul of TB, says Animal Health Board chairman John Dalziell, in the introduction to the board's Making TB History. This extract from the booklet tells one farmer's story.
Published in Farm Health
A FEED trailer from Milk Bar will not cut in through gateways, can be safely braked before unhitching, suits many feeds and withstands years of farm use, the maker says.
Published in Machinery & Products
Farming visionaries are getting a come-on from the Sir Peter Blake Trust.
Published in General News
One of New Zealand's budding scientists will travel abroad later this year to complete his PhD, after winning the 2012 Doctoral Studentship Award from LIC.
Published in General News
The Morrinsville sale yards will officially open their stock truck effluent disposal site in a ceremony on February 21.
Published in General News
Rural retailer RD1 has acquired Ruawai Farm Supplies, Northland. The acquisition takes the RD1 store network to 65 stores nationwide.
Published in General News
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